2010年3月12日 星期五

博文減重50公斤 Letter from Bowen (Chinese and English)

Hi 嘉瑗:





English translation of this letter

Dear Carol

I am Bo-wen, these are my before and after weight loss pictures, and here is my simple story --

I am the eldest grandson of the family, I and all kids were very much loved by the family elderly. The way my parents and elderly showed us love was to bring us to KFC for fried chicken and Hamburgers. The new and fashionable American food.

II went to Guangfu Elementary School. It was across the street from the McDonald's. There were only half day classes on Wednesdays. So, we always ate at the McDonald's.

My home was behind Kingstone Bookstore, on Chung Hsiao East Road. I remember the Kingstone bookstore was next to the Kentucky Fried Chicken. My favorite Saturday's lunch was to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Because of that, I was always the heaviest person in my class.

When I was in high school, my weight was nearly 128 kilograms. I started to try to lose weight because I wanted a girlfriend.

As a start, I tried oatmeal meals, apple meals, I ate less and exercised more, and later I even tried the Thai slimming products. However, the results were not very good, my weight increased rather than decreased. I eventually gave up.

Later, I was introduced to try Herbalife. I heard about this company but never tried its products. So, I gave it a try. The first month I lost 6 kg, after which I started to to take this product seriously.

I lost 50 kg in just eight months of effort. And I stayed this way for years! WOW! Am I glad or what?


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